Maptime Windsor Essex
Intro to OpenStreetMap
What is OpenStreetMap?
OpenStreetMap is the "Wikipedia of maps"
Anyone (like YOU!) can edit OSM
Let's get started!
Two ways to edit OSM: web editor iD or advanced editor JOSM
iD: just click edit up in the corner ↖︎
Look: layers! ⬈
Cycle Layer
Transport Layer
Secret: OSM IS just XML
data model: nodes / ways / relations
OK! But what should I edit first? Suggestions:
Trace some buildings
Add some POIs (points of interest)
Look: notes!⬊
Find ways without names
map from
Advanced edits
Play MapRoulette
Do some HOT tasks (Humanitarian OSM Team)
Get outside!
Make tracks with your GPS
Large imports are deliberately hard to do!
What not to do:
Main rule of thumb: no copying from Google products!
And don't map for the renderer
What should you do?
Sign up now!
Be brave!
And get mapping!
Where to learn more:
To learn how to add any kind of thing to the map: / wiki / Map_Features
Am I doing it the right way? Read about / wiki / Good_practice
Presentation made with big
Presentation remixed from osm 101 from maptime