Maptime Windsor Essex
Intro to OpenStreetMap
What is OpenStreetMap?
Anyone (like YOU!) can edit OSM
Let's get started!
Two ways to edit OSM: web editor
iD or advanced editor
iD: just click edit up in the corner ↖︎
Look: layers! ⬈
Cycle Layer
Transport Layer
Secret: OSM IS just XML
data model: nodes / ways / relations
OK! But what should I edit first? Suggestions:
Trace some buildings
Add some POIs (points of interest)
Look: notes!⬊
Find ways without names
map from
Advanced edits
Get outside!
Make tracks with your GPS
Large imports are
deliberately hard to do!
What not to do:
Main rule of thumb: no copying from Google products!
And don't map for the renderer
What should you do?
Be brave!
And get mapping!
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